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Illustrations I've produced range from simple depictions of objects of interest found on site, to extensive reconstructions converying a scene as it may have looked at a particular point in time.

Historical Illustration
Hampton Court

Hampton Court

Client: Historic Royal Palaces. Historical reconstruction depicting Henry XIII. This image also needed to include wildlife found onsite.

The West Range at Craigmillar Castle

The West Range at Craigmillar Castle

Client: Historic Scotland.

Craigmillar Castle, Scotland

Craigmillar Castle, Scotland

Client: Historic Scotland

Notley Abbey

Notley Abbey

Client: Bucks CC. Reconstruction of the Abbey as it would have looked in the 13th Century using archaeological surveys.

Spynie Palace

Spynie Palace

An elevated view of Spynie Palace for visitor orientation.

Elcho Castle, Scotland

Elcho Castle, Scotland

Client: Historic Scotland. Reconstruction of Elcho Castle and surrounding landscape.

Elcho Castle Garden View, Scotland

Elcho Castle Garden View, Scotland

Client: Historic Scotland. Second reconstruction for Elcho, depicting the landscape beyond the castle.

Ironage Man

Ironage Man

Client: The Crown Estate

Fish Ponds reconstruction

Fish Ponds reconstruction

Client: Bucks CC. Illustration of medieval fishponds using archaeological surveys.

Ham Hill Visitor Centre Banners

Ham Hill Visitor Centre Banners

Client: South Somerset District Council. One of several Banners created to show Ham Hill through history.

Ham Hill Visitor Centre Banners

Ham Hill Visitor Centre Banners

Client: South Somerset District Council. One of several Banners created to show Ham Hill through history.

© 2020 Madeleine Smith. 

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